I heard this strange sound in the morning.

They have cut down all the spruces close to the hunting lodge but all pines were left alone.

I was eating breakfast watching tv, the one without sound, when I heard something strange. It sort of sounded as if something exploded. Nothing more happened for quite some time but suddenly I heard four more and then I realised it was thunder 🙂 It didn’t come any closer though but it thundered rather a lot further west of us from what people told me.


The weather turned to really nice but very windy after the thunder.

The car suddenly gets very quiet when the summer tires are on so now  I can hear all kinds of sounds I couldn’t before and it is sort of stressing 🙂 I have now identified almost all new sounds but I’m still wondering if the exhaust pipe has a hole somewhere. I doubt it but I think I’ll know better tomorrow when I have driven some more 🙂


They were talking about the weather predictions for easter at work, they said we will get a snowstorm with nasty low temperatures, how nice now when we all have summer tires on. So I checked it on the web during the day and they changed it from heavy rains and snow fall to perhaps some snow and some rain and only the night temperatures will be below 0C (32F). They will have time to change it several times more so who knows what we’ll get in the end 🙂


We now have new gravel on our road. They destroy the road when they are here to get the timber so we don’t have to pay for it 🙂
It’s so nice to have something to scratch towards 🙂

Here comes five photos taken with the Contaflex.

It is time to have something to eat and then I’ll most likely read a book unless they have something good to watch on tv which I doubt very much 🙂



Have a great day!

6 thoughts on “I heard this strange sound in the morning.

  1. Hi Christer,
    New sounds in the car are very stressful. I hope they are all sounds that signify nothing and cost nothing as well.

    Is that Salmiak sitting by the wooden thing? He looks less contented than he should be for sitting in a warm spot. Looks like he’s got a bottle of beer, too. 🙂

    Finally some chionadoxa have bloomed in the lawn. I was beginning to think they never would. Every time something looked like it might flower, it got snowed on. That poor daffodil still hasn’t blossomed though it’s been trying to for a month. And some of the grass is almost ready for mowing. 😛 It’s far too wet to be mowing.

    By Sunday, you’ll probably have warm and sunny weather instead of whatever it is they are predicting now. It’s 78ºF here with partly cloudy skies. It’s summer.

    Enjoy the day.


    1. Hi Caryn!

      You’re so right and it is the exhaust pipe that has a hole somewhere, I’ll go to the garage Friday two weeks because it is still a rather small hole by the sound of it.

      Yes it is and he’s a tough guy so I guess he is heavy on the beer 🙂 🙂 I think he look less content because we arrived, he’s unlike Sally not especially fond of dogs 🙂

      They flower here too, the few I have in the garden and all the ones growing in and outside my hedge (on the wrong side of course 🙂 ).If the predictions are right our flowers will have some problems too, not so much snow but freezing nights. It won’t stop the grass from growing though, I could mow it here too now.

      Have a great day!



  2. Hi Christer! I don’t like it when my car makes sounds….especially ones that sound like they will cost alot of money. 🙂

    Thunder! How lucky. I miss that sound. We got cold. We went from 19 on Saturday to -7 this morning. Its about 0 now but its a strong north wind that makes it bone chilling. I think we are going to warm up a bit but they are threatening rain coming our way. There is always weird weather on Good Friday so this year will not be any different. I hope you don’t get snow.

    Good luck with finding something on TV. We always say over 300 channels to watch and nothing on. 🙂



    1. HI Dianna!

      No it always means problems when a car makes a new sound 🙂 It is a hole in the exhaust pipe I’m afraid so I have a new apointment at the garage Friday two weeks.

      I don’t mind thunder at all if I’m at ahome but I don’t like driving in it and we always have problems at work if it hits there. My paintbox behaves rather odd after thunder has passed by 🙂
      I too hope the snow will stay away but I guess I’m not that lucky

      I actually found a science program so I watched it before I went to bed. I onky have 7 channels and rarely find anything worth watching 🙂

      Have a great day!



  3. hi christer! we are supposed to get thunderstorms tomorrow. i’ll take anything rather than the 80 degree sunny day we had today. i started planting outside already!


    1. Hi Joyce!

      80 is just too much this early in the year! Thunder usually cool down the air but sometimes it doesn’t and then it’s just nasty 🙂 🙂

      I would like to plant outside but the predictions says now 🙂

      Have a great day!



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