They’ll have to settle with the garden.

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I can hear my neighbor mowing the lawn, we had reached 28C (82,4F) long before 11am so I’m not sure it’s a good idea to do that, unless one would like to be hit by heat stroke of course 🙂 My lawn needs mowing too but I rather wait a few days until this heat ends.  There is a weak wind blowing but it neither helps nor makes it worse. It does dry out the ground though.


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So I have started to water in the garden. The annuals are draught resistant but they grow on pure sand so it gets dry there very fast. I also water my vegetable garden, the potted flowers and the ones I really want to save, the rest of the vegetation must be draught resistant or they’ll die. If they survive good for them, if they die I’ll get a chance to try something new 🙂


He walks just beside my feet all the time so I had to trick him to get these photos :-)
He walks just beside my feet all the time so I had to trick him to get these photos 🙂

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It was warm already when we woke up this morning and I feared the worst, fly wise, when we went out on our walk. Oddly enough they mostly left me alone, I could even stand still a few minutes so I could eat some raspberries 🙂 I’ve noticed that Albin really don’t like to walk on gravel roads, he runs out in the grass as soon as he gets tha chance and rubs both his face and feet in it 🙂 He also walks exactly beside me all the way if he is leash free! None of my dogs have ever been close to that 🙂


Bertill followed us all the way, from a distance :-)
Bertil followed us all the way, from a distance 🙂

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Sune happy in the sun.
Sune happy in the sun.
Then Albin comes closer.
Then Albin comes closer.
Sune not that happy any longer :-) He's getting better though, I must give him that :-)
Sune not that happy any longer 🙂 He’s getting better though, I must give him that 🙂

So we’ll keep on doing that where the grass is so think that he can’t break through if he suddenly wants too because I’m pretty sure that when he starts to noticing the wild life the wish of walking beside me will vanish totally 🙂 and he is also way too slow right now to get anywhere if he would like to run away 🙂


Yesterday evening it was Novas turn to be leashed to Albin.
Yesterday evening it was Novas turn to be leashed to Albin.

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Sometimes it didn't go so well because I was behind them.
Sometimes it didn’t go so well because I was behind them.
Sometimes it worked really well, because I was in front of them. I've a feeling that this will be my boy totally :-)
Sometimes it worked really well, because I was in front of them. I’ve a feeling that this will be my boy totally 🙂

Albin’s father is sensitive towards proteins so there’s a risk that Albin might be too so I got the name on the food they use and checked its table of contents and it is almost the same as it is in the food I use here. The protein level was the exact same but it did vary some when it came to vitamines and minerals. Some were more in the one I use and some were less. The one I have is slightly cheaper but I could get the other one delivered to my door cost-free. So I’ll give the one I have at first and if nothing happens I’ll continue with it. One could say that it doesn’t cost me anything to get it home either because I just pick up a sack when I’m in the grocery store anyway 🙂 but it is good to know I can get the other one delivered if I need to get it.


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We met Salmiak on our walk yesterday but I'm not that sure he was happy about it :-)
We met Salmiak on our walk yesterday but I’m not that sure he was happy about it 🙂

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It is cloudy and a whole degree (C) lower than before but I don’t think it is a good idea to take a walk with a puppy in this heat, they’ll have to settle with the garden for now. It is time for a pot of tea I think and perhaps something to eat, hot weather sort of takes away hunger feelings.


I'm not sure what this one is called but it is a relative to the Betonica.
I’m not sure what this one is called but it is a relative to the Betony.
I found to my surprise a white Aaron's rod growing in my garden.
I found to my surprise a white Aaron’s rod growing in my garden.
All the others are bright yellow.
All the others are bright yellow.

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Have a great day!

12 thoughts on “They’ll have to settle with the garden.

  1. Hi Christer,
    Looks like you’re definitely Albin’s preferred human of choice.

    It does seem that Salmiak was overwhelmed with friendly greetings. He has a “what just happened?” expression on his face in that last photo. 🙂

    One good thing about a drought: no lawn mowing. My lawn has not been mowed in over a month. Of course, it’s mostly dry hay now. I should mow the bit that’s in the shade most of the time but even it is not all that shaggy. It can wait until cooler weather.
    Again, yesterday afternoon, there were huge thunderstorms all around me and very close. I was at the grocery store when a few drops of rain fell. I was hoping. But no. Thunderheads sailed by and left not a drop of water here. I had to water a couple of plants in the yard. I don’t water the lawn. Water’s too expensive for that. And the grass would grow so I’d have to mow it. 🙂

    Time to take Rocky and Piki Dog for their morning walk.

    Enjoy the day.


    1. Hi Caryn!

      Yes that look from Salmiak says it all 🙂 but I do wonder why he didn’t walk away because he had plenty of time from the moment he saw us. I guess he just didn’t realise how many we actually were poor cat 🙂

      Yes I like draughts 🙂 Unfortunately the rain we did get just a week agao was enough to make the grass grow quite a lot here.I have noticed that it dies if I walk a lot on it so I might do that for a while 🙂 No hurry to mow though 🙂

      It has been the same here everytime they have said we’ll get thunde,r it builds up here but thunder away somewhere else. I can live without the rain but it would have calmed down the flies if it thundered for a while here at the same tim as it cooled down. They say we might get thunder later today but it doesn’t look like it. I say give us a few flashes and keep the rain and I’ll be happy 🙂 I never water the lawn, I’m not fond of mowing 🙂

      have a great day!



  2. what breed is albin? we are under a heat advisory here. the heat index will be in the 108 range. not a good summer for a concrete driveway garden! i am SO over summer!


    1. Hi Joyce!

      He’s an American Staffordshire Bullterrier.

      108!!! I can’t understand how anyone can live in those temperatures! It was bad enough here today when we reached 86 and that was with a low humidity.
      I guess You must water all day to keep all those potted plants alive.

      We just had heavy showers here and the temperature dropped with 20degrees F, it’s just wonderful outside again 🙂

      Have a great day despite that nasty temperature!



  3. We in Kansas, in the middle of the USA, are in the same heat wave as the other Joyce. I water potted plants once a day but the flower beds less often. So far our yard has continued to grow and need mowing once a week. Enjoy your cooler temperatures!

    I was going to ask the same question as the other Joyce about what breed Albin was so now I have my answer.

    Have a good rest of your vacation.


    1. Hi Joyce F!

      This is our last day with this hot weather. I have loved to get real summer on my vacation for once but I still won’t complain about it getting cooler again. None of us slept especially much last night.

      Imonly water the flower bed whichonly contains of sand, the others will have to survive anyway 🙂 and the vegetable garden of course even though it’s mostly potatoes there and they are ready to be picked up by now.

      Have a great day!



  4. Christer,
    Boston is in a heat wave, but we are not. It has yet to reach 90˚ here, but Boston has had enough 90˚ days in a row for it to qualify as a heat wave.

    We still have lots of moths. I’m hoping they find mates soon or maybe not because that would mean fewer eggs to hatch next season.

    I’m sitting in the AC. Yesterday after hauling stuff for the movie and cooking dinner I was a sweaty mess and my back was horrific. Right now I’m better.

    Gracie pants every time she goes outside but cools down when she is here with the air conditioner.

    The mid-summer flowers all have buds. My garden will soon be lovely with all different colors of flowers.

    Have a great day tomorrow!!


    1. Hi Kat!

      Our qualifying level for heatwave is lower than Yours since we normally don’t get it warmer than 77F up here in the north. It is the last day today for this time and even though it has been nice getting some summer during vacation I still won’t complain when it gets cooler. It is a bit too hot for a puppy right now.

      I guess we still have too long days for noticing moths, I have actually no idea if we have many or normal 🙂 I always hope no fly finds a mate so I never have to see anyone more 🙂

      Movie nights are fun but no good for a bad back, You must take care of it now before You’re leaving for Ghana! Perhaps You should find a witch doctor to get it better since modern medicine hasn’t 🙂 🙂

      Not many flowers are in bloom here right now, the annuals and some Aaron’s rod but that’s it. More are coming though but need a week or so to start.

      Have a great day!



  5. Hi Christer! We too are having the heat wave the others are but I think its separate heat waves. Gross anyway you look at it. I hate summer when it gets like this. I can’t wait for end of August. I will be much happier then. Feeling better today. I have been using my neti pot alot today and its helping. Such a clever idea linking the adult dog to the puppy. Wish I would have thought of that. Karma is having some fur issues so she’s on a strict diet of the lamb and rice food and the only treats she gets is frozen green beans and fresh or frozen carrots. Poor thing. You’d think she was starving the way she looks at you. But we have to do this in order to rule out irritants. I hope the food you currently have is good! Hope your day tomorrow is cooler. We will be 40 again with the humidity. Boo.


    1. Hi Dianna!

      It is our last day of this heat wave and even though I’m glad we did get realk summer during the vacation I’m still happy that it will cool down. This is not good for an eight week old puppy.

      I had to check what a Neti pot is and I have to say it looks a bit gross when someone use it 🙂 🙂 🙂 but the only thing that matters is that it helps.

      Turns out he walks much better unleashed, right beside me or just behind allthe time.He’s still a bit too slow for the older dogs but when he gets bigger and starts to get interesed in the b life I’ll leash him to the older dogs again. As it is now he can’t even break through the grass if it is thick 🙂

      Yes the food is always a problem. One can always buy the fresh food, more or less raw meat but it is expensive. So now all I can do is to test our food and hope for the best.

      Have a great day!



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