Waiting for the vet to call back.

We had two rather aggressive thunderstorms passing by yesterday and in one of them the lightning hit exactly where the fire had started. I guess it was just too wet there for a fire to start again and I do hope the firemen had left before it started.

It’ll be a short one again today, I’m waiting for the vet to return my call. Nova is good in hiding that her ears are in pain but today she couldn’t hide it any more. Normally when I clean out her ears she shales her violently for some time, today she didn’t even try the poor girl.


Albin will have stomach problems and most likely bad eczema too. He hadn’t even finished his food when he jumped over to Sunes bowl, pushed Sune away and ate half of his food too 🙂 🙂 So from now on I must guard the bowls until they all are finished. I do hope he wakes me up when he needs to go outside tonight 🙂


Welcome to my world of flies 🙂 and these are only the ones You can see because of the ray of sun.

I think that all flies at the bog must have fled to use when the fire was burning, we have so many now that I really don’t want to go outside. This morning however was quite nice, 2,5C (36,5F) and fog. Not a fly was moving 🙂 🙂


It is time to get something to eat and wait for that phone call.

Have a great day!

14 thoughts on “Waiting for the vet to call back.

  1. poor nova! i too have to watch teddy’s ears all the time. she has bad allergies right now along with the rest of us. i’ve never had such a bad allergy season before. we are still horribly hot and muggy here.


    1. Hi Joyce!

      Yes I feel so sorry for her and it’s apparently my fault it went bad this time, I clean out her ears too often. We’ve been to the vet now and the pharmacy but they didn’t have one of the medicines so I’ll have to go to another one tomorrow morning.

      I think we can thank our cooler and rainy weather for not having a too bad allergy season, if there’s any pollen around or anything else causing allergies the rain will wash it away.

      Have a great day!



  2. Hi Christer,

    I hope her ears get better real soon! Our Hunter is the same – he will sneak and eat the others food and then I know by morning that there will be something not quite right outside afterwards! 🙂

    Let us know how she does.


    1. Hi Dianna!

      I do hope so toio, it’s really bad thgis time.

      Albin has no one else to blame for his problems now 🙂 I just turned around for a second this afternoon and suddenly he pushed away Sune again. He wasn’t allowed indoors again until Sune had finished his food 🙂

      Have a great day!



  3. Hi Christer,
    Poor Nova. They should come up with something prophylactic for chronic ear infections in dogs.
    Poor Albin too, but it is his own damn fault. 🙂 He should know not to eat Sune’s food even if it is something that won’t give him stomach and skin trouble.
    When I first got Piki Dog, I had to stay and watch them eat. Rocky was a slow eater. Piki Dog inhaled his food and would then try to steal Rocky’s. Rocky has since learned to eat faster so I don’t have to do that anymore.

    I have to ask what is the white stuff poking through the hole in the shed wall? It looks like sheep fleece. Not very good fleece, either.

    Today is mid 80’s but low humidity with lots of sun. It’s nice.

    Enjoy the day and I hope Albin remembers to wake you up should the need arise. 🙂


    1. Hi Caryn!

      I do feel so sorry for her and it seems it’s my fault it went so far this time, I have cleaned her easr too often so I haven’t been able to see what was going on.

      Albin however is just plain stupid 🙂 🙂 He tried it again today so I tossed him outside and he wasn’t allowed to go indoors again until Sune had finished his food 🙂 He alone eat more food than the two others together but he’s thin and always hungry. I talked with the vet about him too and I’ll let him check Albin when we go there next time for their vaccinations.

      I think it is really olöd roockwool 🙂 The old owners had one of their cars there all winter and some heat was on as well.

      Cool, no wind and drizzle here now and they said thunder might arrive later, I did wonder why the flies were more insane than usual.

      Have a great day!



  4. Inte är det kul när man måste göra sin djur illa – dom vet ju inte att an egentligen är snäll! Santos har inga som helst problem med öronen dom är ju upprättstående, Penny hade väl också hyfsat bra öron – men vår tax Brasse hade jämt infektioner (hängande öron är ett gissel). 😦
    Hatar alla bitande och sugande insekter, t.ex myggor och bromsar men vanliga svartmyror och flugor biter mig också! Måste lukta nått riktigt smaskigt om mitt blod!! 😦


    1. Hejsan Susie!

      Ja just nu gillar honm mig inte. Det är visst mitt fel att det gått så långt dessutom för jag har tvättat öronen för ofta.
      aldrig bitit mig.

      Knott struntar i mig och de kliande myggbetten blir jag fort immun mot men vi har ju så många andra som jag trots allt känner av 🙂 Fast jag måste erkänna att svartmyror aldrig bitit mig.

      Ha det gott!



    1. Hi Beatrice!

      We’ve been to the vet today and this infection is a bad one. Now she takes strong medicines.

      Still, most of those flies won’t bite but will try and get in to the ears and nostrils 🙂 🙂

      Have a great day!



  5. I’d like to know about the ears too.
    I might be able to mail out something to you, depending on what it is and what’s legal to send.
    I could not handle those flies!
    Good luck :p


    1. Hi Cindi!

      It is a bad infection she has this time and it is my fault it took too long to find it. I clean out her ears too often he said so there’s no good chance to see what’s going on.

      I can’t either so I wear my mosquito hat and tries to be outside on chilly mornings and evenings.

      Have a great day!



  6. Christer,
    I didn’t realize how really awful those flies are. It is no wonder you don’t want to go outside unless you can avoid getting bitten. I don’t think our flies are ever that plentiful, but I do think they are much bigger.

    I remember waking up and having my dog, Shauna, look at me. Her whole face was swollen and her eyes were squinty. I called the vets and took her in immediately. She had hives. He gave her meds, but it did take a while for her face to get back to normal.

    I can tell when Gracie doesn’t feel good. I can see it in her eyes. She doesn’t have any outward signs of being sick as hers is dizziness from her head tilt and it makes her stomach upset and then she gets sick. It seems to be a never heading circle.

    Have a wonderful day!


    1. Hi Kat!

      The forest flies are plentyful but small and very annoying 🙂 The biting flies are mostly rather big and some years almost as many as the forest flies. We have very little mosquitos this year though, I think I’ve only been bitten once so far.

      Nova is a master when it comes to hiding that she’s sick. I guess that comes from the time when she grew up with drug addicts and always were beaten. She couldn’t afford to show any weakness I guess.

      Have a great day!



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