No blog today!

Windows photo album has locked itself again ands I’m to tired to take the fight today 🙂 It is up to 36C (96,8F) where I work by the paintbox now when summer has arrived so I don’t have the energy left for computer problems 🙂 It will most likely work fine again tomorrow if I know it right.

Have a great day!

8 thoughts on “No blog today!

  1. Hi Christer,
    Don’t blame you. You have to be in the mood to address computer issues that aren’t extremely important. I have had new peripherals sitting around in the box for months simply because I wasn’t mentally ready to deal with installing. Being overheated at work doesn’t help. I suppose it’s not feasible to have cooling fans in a paint box.

    If your car doesn’t have AC, drive home with all the windows open wide and the car breath vent on high. 🙂


    1. Hi Caryn!

      It was just too uch yesterday 🙂 I can take the heat or the computer problem but not both on the same day 🙂 🙂
      It impossible to cool down that place I’m afraid, it is the heat from the oven and the infrared lights that blasts my work place. Most of the time I can walk away from it but when I need to hand paint things as well I’ll just have to take it. I’m pretty sure that any kind of fan also would give me problems with dust in tehpaint.

      I’m happy to say that my car has climate control and yesterday I had arctic climate in my car on the way home 🙂

      Have a great day!



  2. and trump just pulled out of the paris accord. maybe someone should tell him how hot it is in sweden on june 1st? though i doubt he would care.


    1. Hi Joyce!

      Thankfully it wasn’t that hot outside but we’ve had an unusually warm spring here this year with some new heat records and a long draught.

      Well, he has shown a rather obsessive interest for Sweden 🙂 🙂 telling the world how horrible itis here and the entire wolrd was suprised to hear it, including us 🙂 🙂 🙂

      Have a great day!



  3. Och jag som tyckte det var jobbigt att hĂ„lla pĂ„ i vĂ€xthuset nĂ€r det var 33 grader!? Det Ă€r ju ingenting jĂ€mfört med att jobba hĂ„rt i din vĂ€rme!! 😩
    I förrgĂ„r fick vi Ă€ntligen lite regn, hela 17 mm faktiskt. SĂ„ jag behövde inte vattna igĂ„r, istĂ€llet Ă„kte vi till Visby och utrĂ€ttade lite Ă€renden. Men…idag har jag gjort nytta, jag klippte ner dom fyra klĂ€ngrosorna pĂ„ min “folly”. 🙂
    Det konstiga Ă€r bara att den kĂ€nsligaste, den hade varken frusit eller torkat in utan ser jĂ€ttefin ut. Dom andra -mer tĂ„liga – sĂ„g hemska ut och jag har tagit bort massor. Det bĂ€sta med rosor Ă€r dock att dom bryter ju frĂ„n basen om man planterat dom rĂ€tt. 🙂 🙂 🙂 Det sĂ€msta Ă€r alla dessa taggar, man ser ut som en nĂ„ldyna pĂ„ armarna…..


    1. Hejsan Susie!

      Det vÀörsta Ă€r ju nĂ€r jag mĂ„ste stĂ„ och handmĂ„la saker och inte kan komma dĂ€rifrĂ„n. Det blir mycket vatten drucket under en sommardag kan jag berĂ€tta 🙂

      Jag vet inte hur mycket vi fick men det var rediga Ă„skskurar mellan det mer normala regnfallet.

      Jag har ocksÄ en del ricktigt hÀrdiga vÀxter som tagit stryk i vinter, men jag tror att det var efter den första vÀrmeböljan nÀr kylan kom tillbaka so gjodŽrde den vÀrsta skadan för mycket hade redan kommit igÄng att vÀxa dÄ.

      Det Ă€r dĂ€rför jag bara har gammaldags buskrosor och vildrosor i trĂ€dgĂ„rden 🙂 🙂

      Ha det gott!



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