I’m glad I didn’t break it.

I've had some film developed again, so today You'll see photos from four old cameras. This camera is a new one to You, it is a Zeiss Ikon Contessa. This camera was made some time between 1950 and 55.
I’ve had some film developed again, so today You’ll see photos from four old cameras. This camera is a new one to You, it is a Zeiss Ikon Contessa. This camera was made some time between 1950 and 55.

Right beside the stairs  at paintbox where I work there’s a small depression in the floor, I don’t think a lot about it to be honest besides those times I happen to put my foot in it. Every time I do so I think I really need to get it fixed but there is always something else more urgent that need to be fixed so I forget it in a minute or two. Normally it’s my heel that hits it so nothing ever really happens.


These three were also taken with that camera. Zeiss made high quality cameras for the amateur.
These three were also taken with that camera. Zeiss made high quality cameras for the amateur.



Yesterday however I hit it with the side of the front of my foot and lots happened 🙂 I sprained my ankle pretty bad and had huge problems walking at all. Of course we don’t have anything cold to put on a sprained ankle so instead I walked (read limped) around as much as I could to get the circulation working in my foot again. It did still hurt when I was driving home but it did feel much better so I thought that I wouldn’t have any problems going to work today.


These three B&W photographs are taken with the Zeiss Ikon Ikonta 531.
These three B&W photographs are taken with the Zeiss Ikon Ikonta 531.



I stopped by my mailbox to get my mail and there is this rather big pothole where I usually stop the car and I was pretty sure I had passed it by a few yards or so. I hadn’t 🙂 So the first thing I do when I get out of the car it to sprain my ankle again 🙂 It wasn’t out of joy I shouted out loud 🙂 It didn’t hurt much more when I walked though so I still thought I would go to work this morning.


These three are taken with the Balda Jubilette.
These three are taken with the Balda Jubilette.



I had bought a new headlamp because I just can’t find my flashlight, I know I had it in my pocket when I drove from work the other day but after that it is gone. Since Albin has all this energy I thought we should take at least a short walk before we all get fed so out we went. A misty rain had started to fall so my glasses were quickly covered in it and the new lamp blinded me as well, I guess I need to have some kind of peaked cap so the light won’t reach my eyes. Anyway, because of the rain and the lamp I missed a stone in the middle of the road and naturally I walked on it with my bad foot 🙂


These three are taken with the Agfa Ambi Silette.
These three are taken with the Agfa Ambi Silette.



It hurt so bad that I at that moment thought it would be nice if I just died right now 🙂 🙂 It took a bit longer to walk back home again 🙂 This morning my ankle was a bit swollen and very stiff and I can walk very slowly as long as the surface is very smooth. I do a lot of fast walking and a bit of jumping when I clean the paint box and if I’m at the neighbor factory I stand still a lot often leaning on my right leg I thought it would be rather stupid to go to work today. Plus it is really hard to brake while driving with an ankle that hurts a lot 🙂


The rest of the photos are taken from the folder "For a rainy day".
The rest of the photos are taken from the folder “For a rainy day”.



I’ll take care of my foot all day long and hopefully I can go to work tomorrow again. I wash the paintbox walls every Friday morning and nobody else will do it if I don’t. I stop working at noon so it will be just a few hours. If it hurts too much I can always try to get home again.





Have a great day!

17 thoughts on “I’m glad I didn’t break it.

  1. Först och främst måste jag be om ursäkt! Jag har inte varit här på “evigheter” och det beror på att jag inte längre har fått någon påminnelse om att du har lagt in nåt nytt. Konstigt, men nu har jag anslutit mig igen och hoppas verkligen att det fungerar!
    Det betyder att jag har inte en aaaning om vad som hänt hos dig sista halvåret. Men jag ser ju att det fattas en hund och har kommit till en annan istället, Albin. Alltså vore jag jätteglad om du kunde uppdatera mig!
    KRAM – Susie


    1. Hejsan Susie!

      Det är ju för det första inte lätt att hitta följaknappen över huvud taget 🙂

      Inte mycket har hänt här. Ingen hund är borta, sista som gick bort var nästan ett och en kvarts år sedan. Så Nova och Sune är här och Albin flyttade hit i Juli. Albin, har det visat sig, är matallergiker så just nu kan han bara äta kokt kyckling med ris. Eksemen är borta men han blir fortfarande lös i magen, det kan vara riset han inte tål. Nästa steg blir till att testa griskött. Men mer än så har det nog inte hänt om jag skall vara ärlig 🙂

      ha det gott!



      1. Skönt, för har det hänt “en massa” brukar det bra betyda tråkigheter! Det är likadant här, det har inte hänt någonting speciellt faktiskt. Jag har fortfarande ett hål i magen efter operationen för 18 månader sen, men…precis nu när jag skulle opereras (den 23:e) så har hålet minskat otroligt bara på ett par dagar och likaså rinner det inte längre en massa sårvätska ur mig. Så nu avvaktar vi – alltså jag och läkarna i samråd -med operation!
        Gubben min och Santos mår bra, även om den senare verkat lite nedslagen sista dagarna. Men dom kan ju också vara lite krassliga ibland.
        KRAM – Susie


      1. Hi Stefanie!

        It is much better now ands I can walk without too much pain. I managed to put on my boots and they have a firm grip of my ankles so I almost didn’t feel anything at all 🙂

        Have a great day!


        Liked by 1 person

      2. HI Stefani!

        I’m so glad I could put on those boots, made life so much better when I could walk around as I’m used to and at the same time not have to worry about my ankle 🙂

        Have a great day!


        Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi Christer,
    What a day! I hope your ankle recovers quickly.
    It always happens that way. The part that’s hurt is usually the part you keep banging against something and re-hurting.
    I hope you are going to file whatever the Swedish equivalent is of Worker’s Compensation.

    The Zeiss Ikon Contessa does a beautiful job. Lovely photos. I’m not impressed with the Ikonta but it might be that the light was dull. The rest are lovely as always. I like the close up of the yellow flower.

    It’s Thanksgiving Day here. The weather is cloudy, damp and cold. I’m looking forward to turkey dinner with family.

    Enjoy the day. And try not to whack your ankle any more. 🙂


    1. Hi Caryn!

      So true 🙂 and the third time was really bad 🙂 🙂
      It is better now but I guess it will ache a few more days before it is back to normal again.

      Yes I will, i’ll talk with tbe owner as soon as possible.

      I was surprised over how sharp the photos from the contessa is but I had read that it is a really good camera. The other zeiss darker photos were my fault. It was actually foggy when those photos were taken and I adjusted the settings rather badly 🙂 There will come much better photos from it later on.

      It was rather chilly here today but we did see the sunbfor an hour or so. No thanks giving here so I’ll just have a sandwich or two all alone 🙂

      So far so good but I still have a few more hours to sprain that ankle 😦

      Have a great day!



  3. Hi Christer! Well that was a day you’d like to forget I am sure!! Things come in 3’s they say so I would say that is your 3 for awhile 🙂

    I hope it feels better with each passing hour. Hard to walk on for sure! And if it gets swollen then oh yes – not good and certainly does not feel good. I could only imagine the pain when you stepped on the stone. Ugh.

    Well my day is only half over so I’d best make tracks and hope that the other half hurries up! 🙂 Have a good evening!


    1. Hi Dianna!

      I sure hope I don’t have to relive it any time soon 🙂 Yes this must mean my three is over for this time 🙂

      It is much better now, the swelling has gone down considerable but I am still a bit stiff in my ankle. Yes that pain when I stepped on the stone is impossiblebto describe 🙂 🙂 🙂

      I hope the rest of Your day pass quickly!

      Have a great day!



  4. Christer,
    All of you misfortunes sound like things which could happen to me. I am quite prone to tripping and falling as you know. When I once sprained my ankle, the doctor told me I should have broken it as a break will heal faster than a sprain.

    The pictures from the different camera are amazing. The Zeiss Ikon Contessa and the Zeiss Ikon Ikonta 531 are my favorites. You know how much I like black and white shots. The spider’s web is my favorite of those.

    The road in your first shot reminds me of so many New England roads. I could have been in New Hampshire.

    I hope that ankle of your heels before something else happens to it!!

    Have a great evening!


    1. Hi Kat!

      We are rather similar when it comes to falling and injuries 🙂 Yes a sprain has a tendency to hang on for much longer I’ve heard. Still I think a broken foot hurts even more 🙂

      Zeiss did make really good cameras! Unfortunately they never price them as high as they needed to get a profit and go on mnaking cameras. They still exist though as lens makers and is amongst the best one can find (and very expensive).

      I’ve gotten that comment from many Americans! It actually looked much teh same here where I live long ago but then they found out that spruces grow very well here and now days that’s almost all they plant.

      So far so good with my ancle, still hurts a bit but I can walk without too much pain.

      Have a great day!



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