It did hurt in my soul :-)


I went to the neighbor factory this morning to paint two things, one smaller and one bigger. I’m not sure why but the communication between these two workplaces never seem to work because the big one wasn’t made yet 🙂 I painted the one that was there, the other one has to be painted some other day. While I stood there working and everything worked really good today I suddenly realised that I had forgotten to unplug the coffee maker before I went to work this morning.





I just couldn’t remember if I have one of those that turns off by itself or if I would come hom,e to a burnt down cottage after work. So since they hadn’t expected me to be at my usual work place today I went home to unplug it 🙂 (of course I told them before I went). Turns out I have one of those that turns off by itself 🙂 After that I went in to the dogs in the dog house for a while, the weather was really sunny and nice and it did hurt in my soul when I had to leave and go back to work again. The dogs weren’t happy about it either.





Yesterday after doing the laundry and having been asleep in front of the tv a big part of the day I realised that I wouldn’t have any bread this morning and very little yesterday evening, so I decided to bake a bread. I almost always bake my rose-mary rye bread but as I stood there adding the flour I realised I wouldn’t have enough with rye flour. I was sure I had bought a new bag but couldn’t see it so I had to use wheat flour instead. It is very different to almost only have wheat flour when baking, and the bread rise so much better too when it ferments.





It was a nice change to use wheat flour instead but I’ll most likely go back to my other flour again, especially since I did find that new bag this morning 🙂 It is time to have a few slices of that bread right after this and I think I’ll have warm cocoa too.




🙂 🙂 🙂



Have a great day!



10 thoughts on “It did hurt in my soul :-)

  1. För något år sen så skaffade jag mig en köksmaskin så jag skulle kunna baka bröd, men inte 17 gör jag det inte! 😦 Men min gubbe som har städdille ställde in den i ett skåp – högt – så det blir aldrig av att jag tar ner den. Dessutom måste man ju ha någon typ av jäst hemma och det har jag aldrig. Då i början satt jag en surdeg, men Rolle gillar inte om det skulle råka smaka lite av den sura jästen. Själv gillar jag levain och köpte därför det härom dagen. Lite dumt att köpa dyrt bröd när man kan baka själv….. 😦 😦
    Idag har jag varit ute och gjort dom första jobben för året i trädgården. Beskar lite träd och buskar – sen fick min gubbe ta hand om riset. Han var inte glad…..
    Han säger att han är bra på att ta hand om saker och ting, medan jag är jättebra på att ställa till! Så är det att vara gift med en pedant, men jag bryr mig inte. Det rinner bara av mig….. 🙂 🙂 🙂


    1. Hejsan Susie!

      Min köksberedare gick sönder så numera får jag göra det helt för hand. Jag har länge funderat på att köpa en bakmaskin för jag bakar egentligen bara bröd nä jag ändå eldar i vedspiden. Skulle vara gott med nybakat bröd även på sommaren 🙂 Jag har ju alltid torrgäst hemma men man kan köpa vanlig jäst med kort datum och slänga det i frysen tills man behöver det. Det blir smetigt som skam när det tinar så bäst är att öppna det lilla paketet medans det är fryst och lägga det i bunken och tina det där.

      Jag har ett äppleträd som jag vill beskära och det blir nog en helg med solsken, annars skiter jag i det 🙂 Alla andra äppleträd planerar jag att kapa ned i år, Albin äter gärna äpplena men blir redigt dålig efteråt. Istället funderar jag på körsbärsträd.

      Skulle gärna vara mer pedantisk än jag är 🙂

      Ha det gott!



  2. that is a good looking loaf of bread! i baked bread this morning too. we are going to get very warm here and stay warm for at least a week. almost 70 degrees. we had hardly any winter this year.


    1. Hi Joyce!

      I have to say it turned out quite well and it taste really yummy too 🙂

      It’ll get warmer here too but nbowhere near what You have 🙂

      Have a great day!



  3. Hi Christer,
    That was a nice break from work even if it was for something annoying like forgetting to unplug the coffee pot. Having an unexpected visit with the dogs in the middle of the work day when the weather was lovely would have compensated me for the hassle of driving all the way home to find that the coffee pot turns itself off.
    I don’t have a coffee pot. I have an electric kettle that turns itself off as does the bread machine. The electric rice cooker will turn itself off but not before it makes concon out of the rice that’s on the bottom. No bad thing. I like smart appliances that remember to do stuff when I’m otherwise occupied. Or forgetful. 🙂

    Is that big earth gash the place where the cows are excavating a burial mound?

    Your bread looks delicious. Nice crust. I might have to make some rosemary bread.
    I find that whole wheat flour and rye flour are very dense and they don’t rise like regular white flour. I put extra yeast in to give it a boost.

    The snow storm has left. It piddled snow for several hours this morning but the clouds are thinning and the sun is trying to shine through. I spent an hour removing the plow row from the end of my walk and the sidewalk to the driveway only to have the town plow come by 15 minutes later and leave an even larger mass of icy chunks. He also shoved the rest of the plow row farther back off the street so that it fell all over the sidewalk I had just cleared. Guess if I was very calm and accepting about that. :O

    Enjoy the day.


    1. Hi Caryn!

      It was nice in a way because it was anything but nice to have to drive back again 🙂

      Normally I just use the water boiler and instant coffee but I had some tea over from the day before and thought I just should heat it up 🙂 It is good to kinow it will turn off itself if I forget to 🙂

      It is that one but it is in the same big pasture.

      Itis quite yummy 🙂 Rye doesn’t contain any gluten which is needed if one use yeast, that’s why it’s so much more dense, so the rye flour I use are mixed with some wheat. One can always use some baking soda but baking soda has the habit of destroying allthe vitamine B so one shouldn’t eat bread baked with baking soda too often they say.

      I know exactly how You felt when that happened! It happened to me last winter and I had shoveled the entire area in front of my garage and in front of my gate when the plow guy came and leaved a biggerrow of heavy snow. It continued to snow so I went out an hour later and the same thing happened again and I felt like crying 🙂 I do hope none of us get any more snow from now on!

      Have a great day!



  4. Christer, at times, we have all forgot whether or not we did something. For me, it is usually, did I remember to lock my car after arriving at my destination and getting out. In some cases, I have actually walked back to the parking lot to check. And, like in the case of your coffee maker, all was OK. Your homemade bread looks wonderful and reminded me that I have not made any in awhile.


    1. Hi Beatrice!

      Yes it happens to us all 🙂 I was mostly thinking if the cats still were indoors so I really wanted to get back home to unplug it. My insurance will give me a new home so that wasn’t the thing that worried me the most 🙂

      It does taste rather yummy that bread 🙂 so I think I’ll try and bake another one this weekend 🙂

      Have a great day!



  5. Christer,
    That bread made me salivate. It looks delicious. I can’t stop eating warm bread with butter. I remember walking uptown when I was a kid and smelling bread baking from the bakery. I wished I had the money to buy a loaf to eat while I walked.

    I hate when you have a worry about something in the house after you’ve gone out. That has happened to me a couple of times but I was worried for nothing.

    Gracie would love having playmates. Her friend Cody doesn’t come as often in the winter.

    Have a wonderful evening!


    1. Hi Kat!

      It was delicious and now I need to bake a new one 🙂 I’m the same with warm bread and butter but I tend to forget to bring out the butter in time 🙂 I always put some cheese onj it too 🙂 We didn’t have a bakery nearby when I grew up but I do remember early mornings in Paris when I was out walking and that smell hit the brain 🙂

      It is annoying but I was only worried about the cats because I knew they were in the cottage. My insurance will give me a new home so that wasn’t a big problem 🙂

      That’s the good thing with having three dogs, they always play 🙂

      Have a great day!



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