Of course it had to come today.

Too bad the leafs don't look like this all the time.
Too bad the leafs don’t look like this all the time.

The weather predictions said this morning would be dry, slightly chilly and almost wind free so is anyone of You surprised that it was quite windy with a snow storm passing by 🙂 🙂 I had planned on walking on the old pilgrimage with the dogs while the garage put on new brake pads and so we did.


It was rather dark when we started our walk.
It was rather dark when we started our walk,


but it got brighter and brighter by the minute, at least for a while.
but it got brighter and brighter by the minute, at least for a while.


Albin didn’t react the same way to snow as he does to rain. All my dogs before him have loved snow and been ecstatic as soon as they have seen it fall. Albin just didn’t react at all 🙂 He just looked at it when I opened the door and just couldn’t care less 🙂 I was a bit worried that he would feel cold in the wind and snow fall but it didn’t seem to bother him either.






He is however a pest when walking leashed because he braids all the leashes together in a second 🙂 I was however able to unleash them when we were far away from any road, there’s a small field by a football (soccer) club where I could let them play as they wished. Albin has a tendency to go too far when playing sometimes and it was nice to see that Sune actually didn’t allow him to do so, normally Sune’s just too kind and let him do anything.






It wasn’t that bad to be outside in the snow storm because we did get out of reach for the wind most of the time. It wasn’t until we had come back and passed the garage to get to the abbey ruins that the wind could hit is hard and that was quite nasty. I took a few photos there before we went back to the garage. Just as I open the door they’re finished with it. There are two different kinds of brake pads to this car and they didn’t know which one my car had. They took a chance and naturally it was the other kind 🙂 So they had to drive to town to get the right ones.






Turns out that the rubber on one of my tires were about to split so he had put on another tire instead and that one of rims was a bit bad. So it wasn’t unbalanced tires but a bad rim that made my car wobble some. That wasn’t something they had though so I’ll try and get a new one so they can change it later on. I won’t notice anything unless I drive faster than 80km/h (49,7 mph) and I rarely do that on the roads around here.



The trees grow in what is a late Iron age to early Viking age grave.
The trees grow in what is a late Iron age to early Viking age grave.


It is time to make a pot of tea and then a nap I think. The snow is still falling, zillions of tiny flakes and the temperature is slightly above 0C (32F) so I guess it’ll stay for a while. They say it might rain tomorrow but after that it’ll fall more snow and the temperatures will drop.







Have a great day!






6 thoughts on “Of course it had to come today.

  1. Hi Christer,
    You should almost automatically expect the opposite of whatever the weather service says. 🙂

    The photos are lovely, especially the abbey ones, but they are also kind of depressing. They remind me of what’s ahead. We turn our clocks back on Sunday which not only means people will be really cranky when they go to vote on Tuesday but also that there will be even less daylight for months.

    Don’t you love it when you take your car in for one simple thing and it turns out to be multiple things and not that simple?

    The sun is shining here and the temperature is acceptable. 🙂 I think the wind is supposed to pick up later on so I hope the rest of the walnuts will come down. I also have to mow the leaves again. Maybe tomorrow.

    Enjoy the day.


    1. Hi Caryn!

      Yes but I had hoped for warm winds and sunshine 🙂

      It did feel worse when I drove back home, the roads were rather slippery even for us with studded tires. We turned back our clocks last week and suddenly it’s dark all the time. More and more politicians in the parliament are now demanding we stop doing this and they have almost the entire population behind them. Unfortunately that doesn’t mean they’ll stop it though.

      Yes on get that fuzzy feeling of happinbess when that happens 🙂 🙂 but isn’t always like that? I was prepared for a bigger bill 🙂

      Still snowing here but the flakes are tiny and it’s now so warm that most snow has melted away. I have no big leafs so I’ll just leave the leafs I have alone 🙂

      Have a great day!



  2. Hi Christer! Oh boy do I ever love that blue-hued picture!!! The one where it looks down the road. I like those! 🙂

    Your car got lots done to it today! But its a good thing, must keep safe on the roads.

    Today we are going to reach around 13 but they are still calling for 17 on Sunday. How odd!! But I won’t complain because I know what’s coming 🙂

    I hope your evening is pleasant and full of good things on TV 🙂 !!!


    1. Hi Dianna!

      I really don’t like those blue photos 🙂 but since it was the first I took today I thought I should use it in the blog 🙂

      Yes it is nice to have those things done now when it gets slippery again. We might get down to -16 next thursday night they say but then again, the icy roads will be rather good to drive on if it gets that cold because the ice will become rough. Long time till then though so they’ll change that prediction several times 🙂

      <I wouldn't mind 13 either 🙂

      Nothing good on tv but I won't mind an early night 🙂

      Have a great day!



  3. SNOW!!!! woohoo! i wonder when we will see some. we haven’t even had a hard freeze yet. my basil is still growing. at least it is cool here and feeling like fall. all of our leaves are still mostly on the trees.


    1. Hi Joyce!

      I can’t say I was too happy about it 🙂 Most has melted away by now though but we’ll get more already tomorrow.

      I was surprised to see how many leafs still were hanging on the trees here but my guess is that they’ll be gone by tomorrow.

      Have a great and cool day 🙂



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