It’s a bad one this time.

No photos taken today so these are a few days or so old.

Nova was more or less like always this morning even though I could see that her ear ached. She ate her food just as slow as she always does before I went to work. She wasn’t as always when I came home, half her head had swollen and at first I thought it was an insect bite. I called the vet and he gave me an earlier appointment.


I could see that he was worried when he saw Nova and that’s never a good sign. Her ear is full of streptococci and he think she must have scratched her ear badly, perhaps an insect bit her or some reaction from the old food she used to eat. So he wrote a prescription for two medicines, one gel that I’ll put in her ear once a week and I’m not allowed to clean the ear during the entire treatment. She will also eat some really heavy antibiotics, I actually think that’s the one that I had after my hip surgery.


I drove to the nearest pharmacy where I know they almost always have what I need for the dogs but this time they didn’t have the ear gel, so I must drive to the pharmacy in Falköping tomorrow, that’s the second one I know they almost always have what I need for my dogs. I gave Nova her pills as soon as I came back to the car (Yes she waited in the car because the weather was cool, cloudy and windy so it didn’t get warm in the  car) I guess she should have eaten something before she took the pills, especially since they are strong but she refused to eat any treats before we went to the vet. She threw up some over an hour after she got the pills (mostly yellow foamy yuck) so I hope most of it had gotten in to her system. I couldn’t find any pill residues when I looked.


Albin is restless, he wants to do something like take a walk because we haven’t done that yet. No use in throwing something for him to fetch because he never comes back with it 🙂 He does however chase Sune if he gets what ever it is, perhaps I should try that 🙂 None of the big weather sites says we’ll have rain now but it is raining and more than drizzle now. I’m not surprised but it would be nice if they actually were right every now and again 🙂


Have a great day!

12 thoughts on “It’s a bad one this time.

  1. Hi Christer,
    Yes, that sounds like a really bad infection. I hope the medicine works fast and she doesn’t end up with permanent damage.
    It’s difficult sometimes to know when animals are having issues especially if the particular animal doesn’t communicate discomfort. My old dog Tegan never showed if she was ill. The only way I knew was that her tongue felt warmer than normal and her nose was dry and hot. The vet was skeptical but it always turned out that she was running a fever. Figuring out why she was running a fever was a different problem.

    It’s raining here, too, heavily enough that the dogs don’t want to be out there. So they’re glued next to me on the couch.

    I hope Nova gets better quickly. Enjoy the day.


    1. Hi Caryn!
      I just wish they weren’t that good in hiding how bad they really are but she did fight me well this morning when I tried to give her the pills 🙂 This sweling was hard to miss though. I think the medicine already si working because yesterday she had problems opening her mouth without having pain , today she could open it quite wide when I gave her the pills. One side effect of the pills is that she most likely will throw up now the first times.

      Still raining here but it is mostly drizzle and it will continue for quite som time they say.

      Have a great day!



  2. I hope Nova recovers quickly. It’s always a worry when our furry friends get sick.

    One tip for when you need a specific medicine is to look it up on the FASS website. If you select the details of the actual medicine, there is a button on the right that reads “Sök apotek med läkemedlet i lager” where you can find which chemist shop has that medicine in stock. I got that tip recently from a helpful pharmacist in Nyköping when I was searching in vain for some eyedrops that the eye specialist prescribed but which seems to be out of stock everywhere in Sörmland.


    1. Hi Marie and welcome to my blog!

      Thank You! I had no idea one could do that! Injust did and it says that the pharmacy I was at yesterday has it and they don’t 🙂 Well I better go to the one I always go to and ask them to order it for me.
      Good to know I can check it there anyway

      Have a great day and welcome back 🙂



  3. Hi Christer,

    Poor Nova! I hope those pills kick in quickly. Perhaps its the infection that is making her feel sick to her stomach? Poor girl. We send her our love from over here.

    We are having a pleasant day but we are soon to get hot (32, 33) again. No happy medium around here!

    Have a good evening, I hope Nova does ok.


    1. Hi Dianna!

      It does look as if they work already because yesterday when I gave her those pills it ached when I tried to open it up so I could push them down. Today she could open her mouth a bit more without pain and she fought bravely to make me miss her mouth 🙂 Still, this will go on for at least three weeks the vet said.

      It will stay around 17-21 here this week and that’s quite nice. I guess those starting their vacations now isn’t happy though.

      Have a great day!



    1. Hi librall!

      I do hopew soo too! She had much bigger problems opening her mouth yesterday than this morning so I guess the pills have started to work already. Now I hope that she at least wants some treats too because she doesn’t seem to want any food.

      Have a great day!



  4. Fy 17 vad jobbigt för stackars Nova! Måste vara hemskt att få såna öronproblem att hon får så ont att hon inte kan öppna munnen – och få några riktiga smaskiga godisbitar istoppade. För det hoppas jag att hon får av dig tillsammans med antibotikan!? 🙂
    Jag – som jobbat på apotek en gång i tiden – fick ju penicillin mot min borrelia för ett tag sen och blev då jätteförvånad när jag fick veta att jag ABSOLUT INTE fick äta på ett par timmar innan medicinen (eller efter) som skulle tas 3 gånger om dagen !? 😦 Jag har tidigare fått lära mig att alltid äta något innan man tar sin medicin, vad det nu än är för något. Så jag blev mycket förvånad! 😦 😦
    Här var det kanonväder igår, så vi var ute mycket och Santos fick 4 äckliga fästingar på sig. Idag regnar det för fullt så Rolle tog Santos på en kort kissrunda bara. Men… han hann få en på sig i alla fall. Det är ju tur att dom inte sätter sig och att man ser dom när dom kryper i hans ljusa päls. 😦
    När vi hade snustorrt väder tidigare (senaste veckorna har det kommit lite regn var och varannan dag) så fick han bara en på sig dagligen, nu blir det nog fler varje dag. Det regnar riktigt ordentligt just nu, men ska tydligen klarna upp tills i morgon – så sol, värme och FUKT som odjuren trivs med kommer det att krylla av dom! 😦 😦 😦
    och klappa Nova lite extra från Santos och mig


    1. Hejsan Susie!

      Ja det är så synd om henne! Men hon vill följa med på promenader och hon åt sin mat medans jag var iväg och köpte den sista medicinen. Hon fick vara kvar i stugan och de andra två var i hundgården. Tyckte hon förtjänade lugn och ro medans jag var borta.

      Så har jag också fått lära mig att man skall göra, konstigt att de ändrat ppö det eller är det kanske bara för den sorten du tog nu? Kan ju vara stor skillnad mellan de olika antibiotikerna.

      Ja det här regnet har gjort det värre med fästingarna!! De älskar ju fuktigt väder så nu är de ute. Det är ett av skälen till att jag gillar långa torrperioder. Det är lätt att hitta dem på Albin och Nova som har kort päls men omöjligt på Sune. Det är ren tur om jag hittar dem på honom innan de biter sig fast.

      Hon får en godbit eg´fter att hon fått sin medicin, det går inte att lura henne med att lägga pillren i någon godsak 🙂 🙂

      Ha det gott!



  5. Hi Christer,
    I’m reading these backwards so I know Nova is doing better. This would have scared me if I read it on the actual day. I always feel so helpless when my pets get sick. I wish I were Doctor Doolittle and could talk to the animals the way he did.

    Albin knows his day. You take the dogs for a walk around the same time so he is anxious for you to get on schedule. When Gracie sees me put trash in the car, she knows I am going to the dump and gets quite excited. That’s the way it’s been her whole life.

    Gracie doesn’t mind mist but does hate heavier rain. She backs away from the door when she sees the rain falling. Silly dog. She should realize that I do will get soaked but she comes first.

    Enjoy your day!


    1. Hi Kat!

      Yes it would be nice to be Dr Doolittle 🙂 I was surprised over how fast her head swelled up! There were no signs of it when I left in the morning and just a few hours later half her head was like a balolon!

      Yes he knows his days 🙂 It is too bad that he also knows that I will go up in the morning if he makes a sound just because I don’t want to risk an accident in the cottage 🙂 🙂

      Misty rain works well for my dogs too but only Sune really likes water in any way 🙂

      Have a great day!



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