I’m not popular at the moment.

It was rather cold this morning and the wind blew pretty hard too, very much autumn in the air even now around noon.
It was rather cold this morning and the wind blew pretty hard too, very much autumn in the air even now around noon.

I’m not amongst the top ten people Nova like most in the world right now and to be honest, she doesn’t know ten people 🙂 I don’t think she will come even remotely close to me right now if I called after her but lets start with our trip to the vet yesterday. Everything went well when we drove to the vet but I did miss the entire village when I tried to find it 🙂 There was a big sign telling me I was there but I just couldn’t find it 🙂 It isn’t especially small at all but the only thing telling me that there even were humans nearby was a petrol station. Behind it I only could see lots of trees.






Turns out I should take the small road beside the petrol station and pass the trees to be able to se the village. I had the map on my phone and even when I was at the right place I just couldn’t see where it was. We were in the middle of a residential area, lots of villas but I just couldn’t see any sign that there was a vet there. Turns out there was two yellow signs by the entrance door to the vets home. His wife let us in and down to the cellar we went where he has his examination room is. He also performing surgery and has an x-ray down there. I’m pretty sure Nova has been there before at the time she was rescued, she knew her way in and tried to escape when it was our turn to get in to the examination room 🙂 My guess is that it was her ears he looked at that time too because she really tried to keep it away from him 🙂






I have to say I like the place and the vet too and to add good things he also is rather cheap and that is quite rare now days when all vet stations are bought by huge corporations here in Sweden. Novas ear was rather nasty and he wrote a prescription on antibiotics and some kind of ear drops. I also had to wash her ear all the way down and to make sure all of it got out of the ear too before I started with the ear drops.





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So I drove to the pharmacy this morning and on the way they warned people that a newly renovated preschool was on fire in Falköping and that it was a bad thing to inhale the smoke. The fire was out of control and that’s not a good thing in a town with lots of wooden houses. Naturally it wasn’t far from the pharmacy but luckily on the right side when it comes to the wind. I think the medicines actually costed more than the examination 🙂 I passed the fire on my way home, there was almost nothing left of the preschool and tha danger to the houses nearby was at a minimum.


Cats are so fun to play rough with.
Cats are so fun to play rough with.
and if they would defend themselves it's always nice to have me nearby to take cover at.
and if they would defend themselves it’s always nice to have me nearby to take cover by.

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So how  do one clean an ear that is so swollen that one can’t find any ear canal? One uses a cotton swab and pushes it down where the ear canal must be. I did get it cleaned and I did my best to get it all out of the ear again. The pills are easy to give Nova even though she doesn’t like it but this was just torture for her. After it was cleaned I had to give her the ear drops and it is impossible to drop down something trough a swollen ear canal, so I just pressed the bottle and hoped for the best. I think I might have given her at least three times as what she was supposed to get but most of it stayed outside the ear canal and she shook it out of her ear as soon as I let her go and I gave her the favorite treat, dried ox heart.


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I know this will get easier as soon as the swelling goes down but I doubt that will happen till tonight but as long as the pain goes away I think she might forgive me pretty soon. It is time to give them all their food (even though I doubt Nova will eat anything, she never does when she’s in pain in her ear) and after that a walk. I just hope that now shower will pass by while we’re out there 🙂

Have a great day!



6 thoughts on “I’m not popular at the moment.

  1. Hi Christer,
    Maybe you should have let Nova drive since she already knew the area. 🙂
    Her ear sounds really nasty. No wonder you are her most unfavored human right now. Dried ox heart should count for something, though.

    I have always had drop-eared dogs but luckily they’ve never (knock on wood) had ear issues. Have the vets given you any suggestions for prevention?
    If she were a human child, my mother would have told you to put cotton wool in her ears before bathing to prevent ear infections. I remember her telling young mothers that all the time and of course most of them smiled politely and ignored her. The ones who didn’t ignore her said it worked beautifully.
    Not on dogs, though, I think, but she’d probably tell you anyway. 🙂

    And how did Sune and Albin do on their own while you were torturing Nova at the vet?

    Today is overcast, foggy and humid. Rain is forecast. Probably.
    The overcast, misty, humid weather the past couple of days and the little bit of actual rain seems to have helped. I see tiny bits of green in the hayfield that is my lawn.

    Enjoy the day.


    1. Hi Caryn!

      Had I only known 🙂

      Her ear is truly nasty but if only the swelling would go down things would be so much easier. She did forgive me after that piece of ox heart but I’ll soon have to do the same thing again. I won’t have to clean out the ear as soon as the swelling goes down though so I do hope that happens soon.

      My old vet said that ear is made to give her problems so there’s nothing one can do. Well they can remove her ear totally, all the way in. They did that to my workfriends dog. Insurance won’t cover something like that since she’s born with this problem and it would cost something like a new car 🙂 If she would have liked to take swims I would have tried something to stop water from getting in there though.

      It seems to have worked rather well between them. My guess is that Sune jumped up in the bed, something Albin still can’t do 🙂

      Very windy and mixed sunshine/ cloudy. It did rain for a while but no longer. It feels a bit cold even if it is around 65F outside.

      Have a great day!



  2. Hi Christer!! Poor Nova!! I can’t believe her ear was that swollen! Poor thing. I always feel so bad for the pets when they feel poorly.

    I am very navigationally challenged. I have a hard time reading maps, finding places and if you spin me around 3 times I get lost in my own back yard. 🙂 Of course I am kidding, but not by much!! I have a terrible time going anywhere….

    Today we are hot. Yesterday after the wild storm it rained off and on until just after supper and then cleared up. But I could tell today was going to be humid because when I woke up this morning the kitchen windows had moisture on them.

    Great shot of Teodor in the glowing sun! 🙂

    Have a good evening – I am off for a massage after work. Desperately needed!


    1. Hi Dianna!

      I feel so sorry for her! The ear was just as swollen this afternoon but it was a bit cleaner and I think most of the pain was gone too. I can only hope that she understands that I’m doing this to make her better.

      I can normally find my way and if I’ve been somewhere once I always find the way home. I used to be a total mess back in the days though 🙂 I think it was following old car maps from the early sixties where some villages don’t excist in the real any longer that helped me getting better in finding the way. I still use those maps even if some of the roads don’t go where they used to 🙂 I’ve seen many places I never would have seen otherwise 🙂

      It has been a rather chilly but nice day here, feels very much like autumn but that can change quickly.

      Long time since I had a massage, I really should go and get one!

      Have a great day!



  3. Poor Nova. Hope the swelling goes down soon and that the rest of the treatment will be easier.

    Thanks for the cat pictures! When you don’t post any for awhile I wonder about them.


    1. Hi Joyce F!

      I could see the ear canal this morning if I pulled her ear some 🙂 and it didn’t hurt so now it will be easier to give her the medicine.

      Those cats might follow us a lot but they sure knows how to avoid the camera 🙂 🙂

      Have a great day!



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